In this article we providing information regarding latest Practical Exam Paper for CBSE Class 10 IT Subject 2024-25
Practical Exam Paper for CBSE Class 10 IT Subject 2024-25
We are providing Practical Paper with Solution.
General Instructions –
- Question Paper is divided into Three Sections A, B, C
- Section A – LibreOffice Writer Section B – LibreOffice Calc Section C – LibreOffice Basse
(Section – A)
How to Create Style? Write down Both Types and Steps. (5 Marks)
(Section – B)
Write the steps to Create Scenario. (5 Marks)
Principle | 5000 |
Rate | 5 |
Time | 2 |
SI | 500 |
(Section – C)
Write the command for the following table Student. (10 Marks)
RollNo | Class | Name | Mobile |
1 | X | Neharika | 9825825821 |
2 | X | Rohan | 9825825822 |
3 | XI | Vedant | 9825825823 |
4 | XI | Ved | 9825825824 |
5 | XII | Digvijay | 9825825825 |
Que –
- Display all the records of table Student.
- Insert record of your choice
- Display record of student whose roll number is 3
- Display record of students who are in class ‘X
- Display the record of ‘Vedant’
=========ALL THE BEST==========
Practical Exam Answer for CBSE Class 10 IT (402) Subject 2024-25
(1) here are two ways to create a custom style
A. From Selection: Steps are given below
- Select the portion of document, such as page, paragraph, character, and change its appearance (do formatting as required).
- Choose the category (paragraph, character, page, etc.) from Style menu for which a new style is to be created.
- Select Style action button and then click on New Style from Selection.
- In Create Style dialog window, type the name of new style, say, ‘MyStyle’.
- Click OK to save the name of new style.
B. Using Drag and Drop: Steps to create a new Style using Drag and Drop method are given below.
- Select the text from the document and change its formatting as desired.
- Choose the desired style from Style Window under which, new style is to be created.
- Now drag the selected portion of text to the Style Menu.
- Create Style dialog window appears.
- Type name of new style and press OK button to save.
(2) Follow the following steps to3 create scenario.
- Step 1 – Select the cells which contains values in the sheet that needs to be changed. To select multiple cells, hold Ctrl key and click on the cell to be selected.
- Step 2 – Choose Menu from Tool – Scenarios will open scenario dialog window as shown below.
- Step 3 – Enter a name for the new scenario and leave the other field unchanged.
- Step 4 – Click on OK Button.
- Step 5 – This will create a new scenario which is activated automatically.
- 1. Select * from student;
- 2. Insert into student values(6, ‘XI’, Trusha , 9898989898)
- 3. Select * from student where RollNo = 3;
- 4. Select * from student where class = ‘X’
- 5. Select * from student where name = ‘Vedant’;
Thanks to Beloved Readers.