In this article we providing information regarding latest Learning Outcomes for Class 11 English Subject in PDF
Learning Outcomes for Class 11 English Subject in PDF
The learner—
- Listens to speeches, lectures, radio
- Talks etc., reflects; to communicate through speech and writing. Reads longer texts with implicit
- Meaning and describes inferring from contexts, phonological cues etc. With clarity. Writes, collects and appreciates
- Narratives, short poems based on fantasy, imagination. Shares and enjoys jokes, cartoons in English, foreign languages, Indian languages etc. Speaks fluently and spontaneously.
- Uses interesting, and need based multilingual vocabulary uses and understands appropriate
- Punctuation marks, grammatical items, modulation of voice in LSRW, proof reads and edits prose and poetry. Speaks using every day familiar
- Expressions and phrases like greetings, expressions, gentle body language for initiating talk etc. Writes creatively emphasizing the main idea; researching about author, and context etc. Prepares schedules and organizes
- Classroom activities/school events(Yoga Day, debate ,cultural events etc.) With the consensus of peers and teachers. Develops questions and answers
- Making use of study skills e.g. Note making, summarising etc. Identifies and uses appropriate; safe,· authentic online resources;browses and take note of online resources, reads books, watches films etc. For understanding historical and scientific facts. Expresses opinion and views
- Independently, in speech, and writing by using visual graphics.
- Listens patiently to contradictory points of view on online platforms and answers logically in agreement/disagreement identifies and appreciates figures of speech, rhyme scheme, intonation, verse and blank verse etc. In the poetry. Expresses gratitude to elderly in writing and speech using vocabulary to express feelings and emotions develops write ups with clarity, using appropriate vocabulary , relevant thoughts and presents with title and subtitles and debates on issues fluently and convincingly using authentic social, scientific evidences.
- Write notices, advertisements, brief guidelines in case of natural calamities, accidents etc. Writes paragraph, summary, letter with concern, about social issues e.g. On marginalized people, environment, by using appropriate vocabulary. Visits library for consulting books, collecting notes etc.
- Writes e mail/ letters formal, informal and business letters with a sense of audience and purpose. Writes paragraphs on factual description with logic and coherence.
- Develops questions for quiz, survey, scripts for drama. Composes songs, poems using English and other familiar languages on nature, sowing and harvesting seasons patriotism etc. Writes descriptive passages on literature appreciating linguistic and literary features.
- Solves grammar exercises with/without context. Develops projects based on language and literature and interdisciplinary themes using skills of collecting, organizing, analyzing and report writing. Reviews and revises assignments/ tasks for peer and self assessment.
- Forms self help groups with the support of teachers and peers for learners/peers with special needs to facilitate their learning, physical activities and their participation in cultural pragrammes. Prepares manifesto for school elections and contests collaboratively with peers and teachers. Develops posters, notices and organises talk against bullying, ragging, cruelty towards animals, cybercrimes, awareness about health of the elders, functioning of banks, post office etc specifically during pandemics, and disasters etc. Develops and organizes short plays on issues like girl’s education, health, peace, justice, etc.