Latest Digital Infrastructure in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya 2024-25

Latest Digital Infrastructure in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya 2024-25

In this article we providing information regarding Latest Digital Infrastructure in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya.

Latest Digital Infrastructure in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

The following digital infrastructure is available in JNVs:

  • All JNVs have Computer Aided Education.
  • All JNVs have Computers / Laptops / Tablets with Printer, Multimedia Projector & other equipment/devices such as power back-up inverters, Wi-Fi Routers etc in order to strengthen ICT enabled classroom transaction.
  • In 99 JNVs, total 1173 classrooms have been converted into Smart Classrooms. These Smart Classrooms are equipped with PC, Interactive Board, Projector, Document Visualizer, and White Board & Green Board.
  • In addition to 99 JNVs, two classrooms each, in the remaining 550 JNVs have been converted into Smart Classrooms having Interactive Boards, Projector, Desktop, Document Visualizer etc. In 75 JNVs one Additional Smart Classroom has been setup during 2023-24.
  • 835 Smart Computer Labs have been established under CSR in 616 JNVs out of which 397 JNVs have One Smart Computer Lab, 209 JNVs have Two Smart Computer Labs and 10 JNVs have Three Smart Computer Labs. Each such Smart Computer Lab has 40 Laptops/Tablets, 01 Desktop, 01 Printer, Wi-Fi Router, Power back-up, Smart/Flip Boards.
  • NVS has made provision for OMR Design and Reading Software (Assessment Software for OMR) for all JNVs.
  • Provision for providing Digital Pad and Pen (Graphic Tablet) for all JNV teachers to effectively carry out teaching learning process through digital mode during online/offline Sessions.
  • Total 68940 Tablets have been provided to the JNVs for dedicated use by the class XI & XII students.
  • Personalised learning labs with 40 notebook computers in each are being established in 75 JNVs.
  • 100 Hindi and 100 English Language Labs are also being established in JNVs across the country


Computers are transforming communications and the economy. Every child should be exposed to computers to understand the significance of this technology. The aim of CEP is that every student should understand how a computer works, have some grasp of how to find information on the Internet and learn how to use a computer and the Internet and knowledge about how computers are used by Government, Educational Institutions, Industries and people at their home. The introduction of CEP into the classroom has the potential to transform education by making it more interactive and interesting for students by using digital resources and multimedia tools. CEP can advance higher order thinking skills such as comprehension, reasoning, problem-solving, creative thinking and complex cognitive performances, the ultimate purpose of which is not efficient use of memory but problem solving. These cognitive performances can include critical thinking evaluative skills, problem solving through analysis, synthesis and evaluation, meta-cognition (an awareness of one’s own thought processes and the skills used in the thought processes).

CEP aims to train students in skills which they will need in further education and ongoing learning throughout the rest of their lives and for their future employment.

As a bare minimum, students should know how to type, how to use a word processor, how to “drive” an operating system and how to navigate the Internet. In order to equip pupils with the technological skills to make a significant contribution in an ICT rich world, careful consideration should be given to integrate computers into teaching and learning.

Thanks to Beloved Readers.


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