In this article we providing information regarding latest Essay on International Women’s Day – 08 March 2025.
Essay on International Women’s Day – 08 March 2025
To give a meaningful goal to the rights less life of women, one of the most powerful countries of the world started International Women’s Day. This is the story of tireless hard work and struggle of women, which inspired them to get a proper place in the society. If we look at the past few years, we will find that the rights of women were violated and the society did not give them proper opportunities, in which they could also show their skills in every field with respect of men. Today’s time has changed but atrocities are still happening.
There has been a lot of improvement today as compared to before. If we look at the events, after the Taliban rule in Afghanistan, restrictions were imposed on women, they were banned, even players were forced to leave the country. But if we look at the Vedas and things written by the sages of India, then in our country women have been described as the form of Goddess, which has also been followed in reality.
Agastya Rishi’s wife Lopamudra had attained Rishihood, so there are many women ininternational women day who got the opportunity and did special work in their field. There were many movements before this but the important movements which happened after 18th century, were not fought for by women in just one country but in different countries of the world. In America, on 8th March 1975, women workers organized a massive demonstration for their rights.
On this day around 1500 women agitated for less working hours, better wages and the role of women in choosing the government. Socialist Party of America started International Women’s Day in New York for their unprecedented change. In France, Olympe de Gouges, who was one of the politically active women of revolutionary France, played a key role. She fought for the basic rights of women.
The reason for celebrating International Women’s Day is to make people aware about women’s rights and freedom so that women can also live their life freely and in their own way and contribute to making their country great for the development of the country. Because men should never forget the contribution of women. Women play an extremely important role in normal life, whether it is as a mother, sister or wife or in any other relationship, the place of women is always high. An Indian philosopher has also said that the country in which women are safe, the future of that country is better.Women also remain insecure. So we can think that without women we cannot imagine a civilized society or a civilized family. People need to take appropriate steps for this, so that women get their rights and they can also cooperate with men shoulder to shoulder. They should also be considered equal to men.
On International Women’s Day, we all should do good work for the women of our family, society, country and behave well with them, no matter who the woman is and first of all you have to start this from your home. You people should at least think about the women of your house and the women of other’s house and give them a good society, where everyone can be given equal rights and a proper environment. For their and your prosperity and progress.
Current status of Women – International Women’s Day – 08 March 2025
Women are almost free now but still in some places or some people’s mental state is also being affected. Because if we see now, the status of women in America is seen to be good. One reason can also be that America is in the category of developed countries and I believe that maybe International Women’s Day has been celebrated in America only. In America, women stood up on their own and fought with everyone, only then today they are achieving such heights i.e. their independence. If we look at Japan, then Japan is also a developed country. In Japan, time is given a lot of importance. And according to me, Pt. Anshuman Pathak, the status of women there is also better because the men there are more educated. And literacy makes a big impact because it is not suppressed. In front of them, someone wants to show that this person in front of us is weaker than me, similarly it is in the context of women also.
Now you will ask me how? So my answer will be that if women are suppressed then men have the biggest hand in it. Men want that no one should go ahead of them. And some men want to keep women away from everything because of their gender. They think that if women go out of the house then firstly women will go ahead of men and secondly if women go out of the house then society can harass them. Because men have to prove themselves superior. This is about developed countries. Let us talk about India, the world’s largest democratic country and the foremost among developing countries. In ancient times, women were considered superior in India, but then the condition of women went from bad to worse.
Women were tortured and harassed. If we look at the Vedas and Puranas in India, women were considered the best. I had mentioned about this earlier also. In the Mughal Sultanate, the condition of women was seen as very bad. Mughal kings would torture them a lot and then leave them or use them and then push them into a corner. They say that the condition of women cannot be good in their religion. Women should stay behind the curtain, stay at the mercy of men, consume them, control their anger and follow their religion only by being subservient to them.
People and society with such mentality are the reason for the plight of women. But women fought all this and moved ahead and today women have got so much freedom and respect. After reading my article, you should not misunderstand the Muslim society and the male society. Because many people are good and they have also supported women and contributed and the President of India Mrs. Draupadi Murmu ji and the presidential candidate Kamala Harris in America against President Donald Trump got a chance, this shows that in the present time the status of women has become somewhat aware, maybe even better.
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