In this article we providing information regarding latest Essay on international mother language day – 21 February 2025.
Essay on International Mother Language Day – 21 February 2025
The medium that any living being in this world uses to express his feelings or thoughts is called Bhasha. And which language does he use for the whole purpose, which is called Matribhasa. The definition of Matribhasa is “MATA’S LANGUAGE”. This is such a language in which any person also has to do the management. Mother tongue is responsible for the linguistic or social development of any person. Matrubhasha also plays a role in one’s identity. A person uses it in his normal spoken language. Mother tongue is called the native language. We can also call it Desi Hansa. It is responsible for the all-round development of any child. Mother tongue plays a huge role in the emotional development of a child. Besides, it also helps in developing numerical facts in the child’s life. Mother tongue also affects the changes in a person’s behaviour. Besides being a medium of communication, mother tongue also holds the moral values ​​of life.
On 21 February 1999, UNESCO declared International Mother Language Day and since 2000 this day is being celebrated all over the world.A Bangladeshi named Rafiqul Islam, who was living in Canada, suggested celebrating 21 February as International Mother Language Day.The purpose of celebrating Mother Language Day at the international level is to “respect all the languages ​​and cultures existing on this earth. According to a research, one language is lost every two weeks in the world, which means that we are losing a natural heritage every two weeks.For this reason, World Mother Language Day plays an important role in language preservation.This day also highlights the Bangladeshi language struggle.There are more than 7000 dialects in the present world, which are on the verge of extinction.The US has announced the International Decade of Indigenous Languages ​​(mid-term 2022-2032). In 2019 the United Nations General Assembly declared I.Y.L. For the unity of Swadeshi Bhashasao.
The Indian Government also organized many activities including the formation of Bharat Sangam, Central Indian Bhasa Sansthan Scientific and Technical Working Group (1961).
Many programs were also started by the state government, Maa Ghar in Odisha, Kerala government started the initiative of Namath Basai.
Special Thanks to – – Written by Yashaswi Shailjesh Shukla
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