Download Syllabus of Navodaya Class 9 Computer Science

Download Syllabus of Navodaya Class 9 Computer Science

In this Article we will providing you complete authenticate information regarding Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Download Navodaya Class 9 Computer Science Syllabus for the Session 2024-25

Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti Recently Introduced the New Post of Computer – TGT Computer Science. TGT CS will teach in Class 6 to 9 CBSE Board.

Download Syllabus of Navodaya Class 9 Computer Science Subject

Here we are giving Syllabus of Computer Science Subject in Class Wise.

For Class IX – Computer Science

Sr.NoMonthUnits / Chapters Covered
1AprilUnit 1: Basics of Information Technology
1. Computer Systems: characteristics of a computer, components of a computer system – CPU, memory, storage devices and I/O devices
2. Memory: primary (RAM and ROM) and secondary memory • Storage devices: hard disk, CD ROM, DVD, pen/flash drive, memory stick
2JulyUnit 1: Basics of Information Technology
I/O devices: keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, scanner, web camera
Types of software: system software (operating system, device drivers), application software including mobile applications
Computer networking: Type of networks: PAN, LAN, MAN, WAN, wired wireless communication, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, cloud computers (Private/public)
Multimedia: images, audio, video, animation
3AugustUnit 2: Cyber-safety
Safely browsing the web and using social networks: identity protection, proper usage of passwords, privacy, confidentiality of
information, cyber stalking, reporting cybercrimes
Malware: Viruses, adware
4SeptemberUnit 3: Office tools
a) Introduction to a word processor: create and save a document.
b) Edit and format text: text style (B, I, U), font type, font size, text colour, alignment of text. Format paragraphs with line and/or paragraph spacing. Add headers and footers, numbering pages, grammar and spell check utilities, subscript and superscript, insert symbols, use print preview, and print a document.
5OctoberUnit 3: Office tools (CONTIUNED……..)
a) Insert pictures, change the page setting, add bullets and numbering, borders and shading, and insert tables – insert/delete rows and columns, merge and split cells.
b) Use auto-format, track changes, review comments, use of drawing tools, shapes and mathematical symbols.
6NovemberUnit 3: Office tools (CONTIUNED……..)
a) Presentation tool: understand the concept of slide shows, basic elements of a slide, different types of slide layouts, create and save a presentation, and learn about the different views of a slide set – normal view, slide sorter view and handouts.
b) Edit and format a slide: add titles, subtitles, text, background, and watermark, headers and footers, and slide numbers.
7DecemberUnit 3: Office tools (CONTIUNED……..)
a) Insert pictures from files, create animations, add sound effects, and rehearse timings.
b) Spreadsheets: concept of a worksheet and a workbook, create and save a worksheet.
c) Working with a spreadsheet: enter numbers, text, date/time, series using auto fill; edit and format a worksheet including changing the colour, size, font, alignment of text; insert and delete cells, rows and columns. Enter a formula using the operators (+,-,*, /), refer to cells, and print a worksheet.
8JanuaryUnit 3: Office tools (CONTIUNED……..)
Use simple statistical functions: SUM (), AVERAGE (), MAX (), MIN (), IF () (without compound statements); embed charts of various types: line, pie, scatter, bar and area in a worksheet.
9FebruaryLab Exercises
a) Browser settings for a secure connection.
b) Working with the operating system: Navigation of the file system using a mouse and keyboard.
c) Word processing: create a text document; create a letter, report, and greeting card.
d) Create a text document with figures in it. It should describe a concept taught in another course.
e) Discuss the following in a text document about the basic organisation of a computer: CPU, memory, input/output devices, hard disk.
e) Create a text document in an Indian language other than English.
f) Create a presentation.
g) Create a presentation with animation.
h) Include existing images/ pictures in a presentation.
i) Animate pictures and text with sound effects in a presentation
j) Create a simple spreadsheet and perform the following operations: min, max, sum, and average.
k) Create different types of charts using a spreadsheet: line, bar, area and pie.


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