Class 10 IT Practical File on Electronic Spreadsheet 2024-25 (Assignment 4)

Class 10 IT Practical File on Electronic Spreadsheet 2024-25 (Assignment 4)

In this article we providing information regarding latest Class 10 IT Practical File on Electronic Spreadsheet 2024-25 (Assignment 4)

Class 10 IT Practical File on Electronic Spreadsheet 2024-25 (Assignment 4)

In your Upcoming CBSE Board Exam – On Internal Marks is 50.

Based On CBSE Curriculum-

CBSE Class 10 IT Practical File Marks

So we are discuss one by one Practical’s Be Connected.

Unit 2: Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)

Learning Outcome – Hyperlink in Spreadsheet

Assignment 4


  1. Insert hyperlink from the internet.
  2. Insert hyperlink email.
  3. Insert hyperlink of existing file.
  4. Insert hyperlink of new file.
Insert Hyperlink from the internet
  1. Type the text – NCERT Solution IT Class 10.
  2. Click on Insert > Hyperlink option. Hyperlink dialog box will open.
  3. Click on Internet and type the URL.
  4. Set the behaviour of link by selecting frame and target.
  5. Click on OK button.
Insert Hyperlink Email
  1. Type the text – Gmail in the cell.
  2. Click on Insert > Hyperlink option.
  3. Select Mail option.
  4. Type the recipient mail id in Recipient box.
  5. Type Subject in Subject box.
  6. Set the behaviour of link by selecting Frame, Target and Name.
  7. Click on Apply and OK button.
Insert hyperlink of existing file
  1. Type the text: File – Document
  2. Click on Insert > Hyperlink option.
  3. Choose Document button.
  4. Select the file from Path option. Either type the path or select the file using browse button.
  5. Set target of link.
  6. Apply settings required such as Frame, Name and Text.
  7. Click on Apply and OK button.
Inserting Hyperlink of New Document
  1. Type the Text – New Document.
  2. Select option as Edit Now.
  3. Type Filename in File box.
  4. Select File Type as Text Document.
  5. Apply settings such as Frame, Name etc.
  6. Click Apply and OK button.


Hyperlink in Calc

Thanks to Beloved Readers.


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