In this article we providing information regarding latest Class 10 IT Practical File on Digital Documentation 2024-25 (Assignment 1).
Class 10 IT Practical File on Digital Documentation 2024-25 (Assignment 1)
In your Upcoming CBSE Board Exam – On Internal Marks is 50.
Based On CBSE Curriculum-

So we are discuss one by one Practical’s Be Connected.
Unit 1: Digital Documentation (Advanced)
Learning Outcome – Create and apply styles in digital document
Assignment 1 / Activity 1
Objective: Using various commands to create customer styles and apply predefined styles in LibreOffice Writer.
Task: Type a paragraph with at least 100 words and create below given styles as instructed:
- Title
- Font Name: Kristen ITC, Size:28, Colour: Magenta
- Give Style Name: Title AI (Use create styles using drag and drop)
- Headings
- Font name: Times New Roman, Size: 24 , Colour: Red.
- Give the style name: My Heading (Use create style from selection command)
- Paragraph and Headings – My heading styles to all headings using Fill Format
- Load Styles in New Document and Save the document
Solution :
- Preparing document
- Click on Start > All Apps > LibreOffice 24.2 > LibreOffice Writer.
- Type required text.
Creating styles
1. Title (Using Drag and Drop)
- Select the title “Generative Artificial Intelligence”.
- Apply the desired formatting.
- Now click on Styles > Manage Styles option.
- Select the title “Generative Artificial Intelligence” and darg over the Styles pane present on the screen.
- New Style From Selection dialog box will appear with a prompt to enter New Style Name. Type name as “Title AI”.
- Click on OK button.
2. Headings (Create Style using New Style from Selection option)
- Select the title “Generative Artificial Intelligence”.
- Apply the desired formatting.
- Now click on Styles > Manage Styles option.
- Select the title “Generative Artificial Intelligence” and darg over the Styles pane present on the screen.
- New Style From Selection dialog box will appear with a prompt to enter New Style Name. Type name as “Title AI”.
- Click on OK button.
3. Applying Styles
Using double click
- Select the heading “Technology”.
- Now Find the newly created styles “My Heading”.
- Double Click on it.
Using Fill Format
- Click on Fill Format icon on Styles pane.
- A fill format mode will be activated and mouse cursor changes to Fill Format mode icon.
- Select “My Heading” style from Styles pane.
- Drag it over to the headings to apply “My Heading” style.
- Save the file as “Practical 1 – Create and apply styles”.
4. Load styles
- Open new blank document.
- Activate Styles pane from side bar or any other option.
- Click on Style Actions button and choose “Load Styles from Template”.
- Find the button From File and click on it.
- Choose the previously saved file.
- Click on Open button.
- The styles from selected document will be added into the Style gallery.
- Save the file.
Output Document:

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