Class 10 IT Practical File on Digital Documentation 2024-25 (Assignment 1)

Class 10 IT Practical File on Digital Documentation 2024-25 (Assignment 1)

In this article we providing information regarding latest Class 10 IT Practical File on Digital Documentation 2024-25 (Assignment 1).

Class 10 IT Practical File on Digital Documentation 2024-25 (Assignment 1)

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So we are discuss one by one Practical’s Be Connected.

Unit 1: Digital Documentation (Advanced)

Learning Outcome – Create and apply styles in digital document

Assignment 1 / Activity 1

Objective: Using various commands to create customer styles and apply predefined styles in LibreOffice Writer.

Task: Type a paragraph with at least 100 words and create below given styles as instructed:

  1. Title
    1. Font Name: Kristen ITC, Size:28, Colour: Magenta
    1. Give Style Name: Title AI (Use create styles using drag and drop)
  2. Headings
    1. Font name: Times New Roman, Size: 24 , Colour: Red.
    1. Give the style name: My Heading (Use create style from selection command)
  3. Paragraph and Headings – My heading styles to all headings using Fill Format
  4. Load Styles in New Document and Save the document

Solution :

  • Preparing document
  • Click on Start > All Apps > LibreOffice 24.2 > LibreOffice Writer.
  • Type required text.

Creating styles

1. Title (Using Drag and Drop)
  • Select the title “Generative Artificial Intelligence”.
  • Apply the desired formatting.
  • Now click on Styles > Manage Styles option.
  • Select the title “Generative Artificial Intelligence” and darg over the Styles pane present on the screen.
  • New Style From Selection dialog box will appear with a prompt to enter New Style Name. Type name as “Title AI”.
  • Click on OK button.
2. Headings (Create Style using New Style from Selection option)
  1. Select the title “Generative Artificial Intelligence”.
  2. Apply the desired formatting.
  3. Now click on Styles > Manage Styles option.
  4. Select the title “Generative Artificial Intelligence” and darg over the Styles pane present on the screen.
  5. New Style From Selection dialog box will appear with a prompt to enter New Style Name. Type name as “Title AI”.
  6. Click on OK button.
3. Applying Styles

Using double click

  1. Select the heading “Technology”.
  2. Now Find the newly created styles “My Heading”.
  3. Double Click on it.

Using Fill Format

  1. Click on Fill Format icon on Styles pane.
  2. A fill format mode will be activated and mouse cursor changes to Fill Format mode icon.
  3. Select “My Heading” style from Styles pane.
  4. Drag it over to the headings to apply “My Heading” style.
  5. Save the file as “Practical 1 – Create and apply styles”.
4. Load styles
  1. Open new blank document.
  2. Activate Styles pane from side bar or any other option.
  3. Click on Style Actions button and choose “Load Styles from Template”.
  4. Find the button From File and click on it.
  5. Choose the previously saved file.
  6. Click on Open button.
  7. The styles from selected document will be added into the Style gallery.
  8. Save the file.

Output Document:

Class 10 IT Practical File - On Digital Documentation Assignment 1

Thanks to Beloved Readers.


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