Class 10 IT Practical File on DBMS 2024-25 (Assignment 2)

Class 10 IT Practical File on DBMS 2024-25 (Assignment 2)

In this article we providing information regarding latest Class 10 IT Practical File on DBMS 2024-25 (Assignment 2)

Class 10 IT Practical File on DBMS 2024-25 (Assignment 2)

In your Upcoming CBSE Board Exam – On Internal Marks is 50.

Based On CBSE Curriculum-

CBSE Class 10 IT Practical File Marks

So we are discuss one by one Practical’s Be Connected.

Unit 3 – Database Management System

Learning Outcome – Retrieve data using query

Assignment 2


Query creation using wizard


Create table Marksheet (Using SQL Command) and perform the bellow given queries using wizard and design view.

Field NameData TypeSize
  1. In the Database file Add these Fields: (Total: Datatype- Number 3 digits, Percentage: Datatype- Number 3 digits with 2 decimal places, Grade: Datatype- Char with 2 letters)
  2. Insert more 3 records in MARKSHEET using SQL mode.
  3. Display name, rollno, marks of 3 subjects, total and percentage using design view.
  4. Display name, rollno, grades from the marksheet table using query wizard.
  5. Display the maximum marks for Sub101 and minimum marks for Sub102 using design view.
  6. Display the rollno, name and percentage whose percentage are more than 70 using design view.
  7. Display all the record in ascending order of names using design view.


create table “marksheet” (“Stud_no” tinyint primary key, “Name” varchar(15), “RollNo” tinyint, “Sub101” decimal(5,2), “Sub102” decimal(5,2), “Sub103” decimal(5,2)) ;


Output - Table Data View


  • Add Columns
  1. Click on Tools à SQL option.
  • Add column Total → alter table “marksheet” add column “Total” tinyint
  • Add column Percentage → alter table “marksheet” add column “Percentage” decimal(5,2)
  • Add column grade → alter table “marksheet” add column “Grade” char(2)
  • Click on Execute button.
  • Click on Close button.

Output: Command Screen

Output for Queries.

Table Preview

Table Preview Using Query

Insert records

  • Click on Tools > SQL option.
  • insert into “marksheet” values (101, ‘Sagar’, 105, 27, 25, 28, 80 , 88 , ‘B1’)
  • Click on Execute button.
  • Close the window.
  • Click on View > Refresh Tables option to update data into the table.


Query Preview - Insert Data

Table Preview:

Table Data View - Using Query

Steps to perform a query using design view

  1. Click Queries → Create Query in Design View….
  2. The query design window will open.
  3. Select the marksheet table and click on Add button.
  4. Now select fields given in the question like name, rollno, marks,Sub101, Sub102, Sub103, Total and Percentage.
  5. Save the query


Query Design

Query Result:

Query Design

Thanks to Beloved Readers.


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