In this article we providing information regarding latest Class 10 IT Practical File on DBMS 2024-25 (Assignment 2)
Class 10 IT Practical File on DBMS 2024-25 (Assignment 2)
In your Upcoming CBSE Board Exam – On Internal Marks is 50.
Based On CBSE Curriculum-

So we are discuss one by one Practical’s Be Connected.
Unit 3 – Database Management System
Learning Outcome – Retrieve data using query
Assignment 2
Query creation using wizard
Create table Marksheet (Using SQL Command) and perform the bellow given queries using wizard and design view.
Field Name | Data Type | Size |
Stud_No | Integer | 2 |
Name | Text | 15 |
RollNo | Integer | 3 |
Sub101 | Decimal | 3,2 |
Sub102 | Decimal | 3,2 |
Sub103 | Decimal | 3,2 |
- In the Database file Add these Fields: (Total: Datatype- Number 3 digits, Percentage: Datatype- Number 3 digits with 2 decimal places, Grade: Datatype- Char with 2 letters)
- Insert more 3 records in MARKSHEET using SQL mode.
- Display name, rollno, marks of 3 subjects, total and percentage using design view.
- Display name, rollno, grades from the marksheet table using query wizard.
- Display the maximum marks for Sub101 and minimum marks for Sub102 using design view.
- Display the rollno, name and percentage whose percentage are more than 70 using design view.
- Display all the record in ascending order of names using design view.
create table “marksheet” (“Stud_no” tinyint primary key, “Name” varchar(15), “RollNo” tinyint, “Sub101” decimal(5,2), “Sub102” decimal(5,2), “Sub103” decimal(5,2)) ;

- Add Columns
- Click on Tools à SQL option.
- Add column Total → alter table “marksheet” add column “Total” tinyint
- Add column Percentage → alter table “marksheet” add column “Percentage” decimal(5,2)
- Add column grade → alter table “marksheet” add column “Grade” char(2)
- Click on Execute button.
- Click on Close button.
Output: Command Screen

Table Preview

Insert records
- Click on Tools > SQL option.
- insert into “marksheet” values (101, ‘Sagar’, 105, 27, 25, 28, 80 , 88 , ‘B1’)
- Click on Execute button.
- Close the window.
- Click on View > Refresh Tables option to update data into the table.

Table Preview:

Steps to perform a query using design view
- Click Queries → Create Query in Design View….
- The query design window will open.
- Select the marksheet table and click on Add button.
- Now select fields given in the question like name, rollno, marks,Sub101, Sub102, Sub103, Total and Percentage.
- Save the query

Query Result:

Thanks to Beloved Readers.