In this article we providing information regarding latest CBSE Class 10 IT – All SQL Commands using LibreOffice 2025
CBSE Class 10 IT – Important SQL Commands using LibreOffice 2025
We are Providing CBSE Class 10 Skill Subject – Information Technology (402) Subject Unit – 3 Database Management System (DBMS) – Retrieving Data using SQL (4. Retrieving Data Using Query)
So We discuss all SQL commands Syntax with Example. It will help you in your upcoming Board Examination – 17 March 2025.
So Be Updated with Latest Notes of DBMS using LibreOffice Base.
Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Note : SQL is case Insensitive. We can write in lowercase as well as in UPPERCASE.
Use Commands Go to Menubar and Select Tools Menu – Select SQL
DDL and DML Commands using in Your LibreOffice Base. (To the Point)
- DDL stands for Data Definition Language
- Create Table
- Drop
- Alter
- DML stands for Data Manipulation Language
- Insert
- Select
- Update
- Delete
Create Table Command
- This command is used to create a table in a selected database.
Syntax :
- Create table TableName (ColumnName1 datatype, ColumnName2 datatype);
Example :
- Create table Class10 (RollNo Integer Primary Key, Name Varchar(20), Marks Integer, Stream Varchar(20));
Insert Into Command
- The Insert into command is used to insert the rows in a table.
Syntax :
- Insert Into TableName Values(Value1, Value2,…. Valuen);
- Above SQL command to insert the Record.
Note : Data values are in the same order as the column names in a table.
Example :
- Insert Into Class10 Values(1,’Chetan’,80,’Commerce’);
Select Command
- Select command is used to retrieve a subset of rows or columns from one or more tables.
- Select column1, column2… <column> from TableName;
Selecting All Columns:
- If you want to see the entire table, i.e. every column of a table, you need to give a complete list of columns.
- The asterisk (*) can be substituted to display all columns.
- Select * From TableName;
Selecting Specific Rows – Where Clause
- The Where Clause in SELECT statement specifies the criteria for selection of rows to be returned. (Using Relational Operators : =,<,>,<=,>=,<>), Logical Operators (OR ||, AND &&, NOT !)
- Syntax – Select ColumnName1, ColumnName2 from TableName Where Condition
- Select * From Class10;
- Select Name, Marks from Class10;
- Select * from Class10 Where Marks>=80;
- Select * From Class10 Where Stream=’Commerce’; (Write SQL Command to Display records of Commerce Stream Students)
- Select * from Class10 Where Marks>70 AND Stream=’Commerce’; (Write SQL command to Display records of those students who secured marks more than 70 from Commerce Stream.
- Select the checkbox : show output of ‘select’ statements. And Execute.
- Distinct command is used to eliminate redundant data.
- Select Distinct ColumnName from TableName;
- Select Distinct Stream from Class10; (Write SQL command to display distinct stream (Repeated values displayed only once.
Condition Based on Range Between Operator
- This operator defines the range of values that the column values must fall in to make the condition True.
- The Range includes both the Upper value as well as lower value.
- Select ColumnName from TableName Where ColumnName Between Start and End;
- Select * From Class10 Where Marks Between 60 AND 90;
Condition Based on Pattern Matches (Like Operator)
- Patterns are described using Two Special Wildcard Characters.
- Percentage (%) – The % character matches any substring.
- Underscore (_) – The _ character matches only one character.
- Select * from Class10 Where Name Like ‘N%’; (Write SQL Command to display records of students whose Name starts with ‘N”)
- Select * from Class10 Where Name Like ‘_O%’; (Write SQL command to display records of students whose second alphabet is ‘O’)
Alter Command (Add a Column)
- Using this command you can add a column.
- Alter table TableName Add Column ColumnName Datatype Size();
- Alter Table Class10 Add Column Gender Char(10); (Write SQL command to Add the Column Gender.)
Update Command
- Update command is used to update or change the existing values in a table.
- Update TableName Set ColumnName = NewValue Where Condition;
- Update Class10 Set Stream=’Commerce’ Where RollNo=10; (Write SQL command to update the stream of RollNo 10 from Art to Commerce.
Delete Command
- Delete command is used to delete the rows from a table.
- It will not delete the structure of a table.
- Delete from TableName Where Condition;
- Delete from Class10 Where RollNo=10; (Write SQL command to delete the record of student having RollNo 10.)
Order By Clause
- The Oder By Clause allows sorting of query results by one or more column.
- Select ColumnName from Where Condition Order by ColumnName
- Select * From Class10 Oder By Name; (Write SQL command to Display the records in Ascending Order, according to their names, By Default is Asc.) (DESC)
Drop Table Command
- This command is used to delete the entire table including it’s structure and contents.
- Drop Table TableName;
- Drop Table Class10; (Write SQL Command to Delete Entire Table)
Thanks to Beloved Readers.