In this article we providing authenticate information with Official Circular – Casual Leave to the Navodaya Vidyalaya Contractual Teachers for the Session 2024-25.
Casual Leave to the Navodaya Vidyalaya Contractual Teachers
Circular from the Commissioner Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti for the All Regional Offices.
Grant of casual leave to the contract teachers / FCSAs during the currency
I am am to draw your kind attention on the subject cited above and to inform you that grant of the casual leave to the contract teachers / FCSAs engaged in the JNVs are governed by the terms and conditions mentioned in the contract agreement duly executed by the Principal and the concerned contract employee. It has been observed that there is no uniformity on the grant/sanction casual leave to such a contract employees. In order to have uniformity on this issue, the grant of casual leaves to the contract teachers / FCSAs will be governed according to the following conditions :
Conditions to Give Casual Leave to the Navodaya Vidyalaya Contractual Teachers
- The contract teacher/FCSA will be entitled for maximum 8 days of casual leaves for tenure of 10 months.
- The contract teacher/FCSA will earn 1 CL for each completed month of service
- The Principal is empowered to sanction 4 CL in advance in special circumstances and in deserving cases.
- Sundays / Public holidays can be prefixed / suffixed to casual leave.
- Sundays / holidays falling during a casual leave are not counted as a part of casual leave.
- Casual leave can be taken for half day also.
The contact agreement currency executed between Principal and contract employees may be modified accordingly.
This order will supersede all the orders issued if any on this subject and will be effective from the date of issue.
Official Circular for the Casual Leave to Contract teacher of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti for the Session 2024-25

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