Benefits or Advantages of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

Benefits or Advantages of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

In this article we providing authenticate information regarding Benefits and Advantages of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya.

Benefits or Advantages of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

Navodaya is a certain kind of institution from central government which helps unprivileged lower cast children as well as scholar students to share same stage. It gives that socio-cultural environment for all the students who joins JNV by JNVST and they are choose by the test and exams. They are proud student who have cleared the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya selection test.

Benefits of Navodaya

  1. They provide free accommodation and food for all the students and teachers. Only general category boys have to pay 200 rupees per month from class 9th.
  2. Students and teachers relationship is more intimate because they have to share the next 7 years of there life together by helping each other.
  3. Boys and girls residences and special care (By House Masters and Mistress) to all of them.
  4. All daily use items, school uniforms and even books and copies are also provided.
  5. Teachers are central government trained and their behaviours towards the students are very good.
  6. All the culture coming together in a single roof therefore all the student should know about other social background and cultures.
  7. Migration systems are there to ensure the exposure the students needs.
  8. Different types of sports and socio-cultural cultural meet ensure the talent of each and everyone should bloomed and their refining of talent are also done.
  9. Residential school makes the student self dependent and self confident living through every situation of life in their lifespan in jnv.

What is it like to study at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya?

We give Class Wise Benefits.

  1. 6th standard ; – Stepping into the campus , many eyes staring at you , asking “ if you are a newcomer to class 6th this year ??? “ And simultaneously like a dork you feel like …… “ohhhhh…. this School is so big , student playing ,living in hostel together with friends will be so much fun “ .But then, reality hits you hard .The first night at hostel, you start missing your parent (cause may be it was your first time you lived apart :'( )……& then those nonstop continuous stream of tears flows down through your eyes which further continues for about an year :'( , you make resolution to leave school anyhow by next year :p
  2. 7th standard :- You give yourself chance of 1 more year to test yourself whether you can live in such condition or not ? Conditions like waking up at 4.30 am , going through hectic schedule etc ,but meanwhile the same year , your PET teacher allot you some sport you are good at ,and frequency of crying gets lessen :p ,You start getting involved into chatting with people around , becoming more amiable with teacher as well as others and thus your 1 more year ends again.
  3. 8th standard :- In those past two years , teachers start treating you much not like a kid ( however they still think you ,but only the one who weeps comparatively little lesser than your former self 😀 ). Teachers expect you to play well , study well ,take responsibilities of junior kids….. phheeewww ,and oh yes you see your progress in washing your clothes like pro ;D ( at least bit better than those past two years ) , a good gardener :p ,a less crying baby who gradually start opening up to its teachers ,and if you are good at sport ,you get a chance to attend sports meets in different places also ( which by default is considered as picnic with some cause) 😀 😀 ……
  4. 9th standard :- Woah , you’re now topmost senior among junior kids hostel (some become topmost senior when they are in 8th std. ) 😀 .Taking care of juniors, serving in mess according to house’s duties,conducting assembly and weekly to do things .When it comes to be done by your house ,you try to get appreciable points for the title of “BEST HOUSE OF THE YEAR 😀 ” , In order to achieve that you start participating in every competitions possible (games .cultural , cleaning or whatever comes 😛 ) just to emerge out as best :P. Teachers start treating you as a pretty grown up no . IF you are having good terms with your teachers, then they may even invite you along with group of your friend secretly sometimes to watch movies even 😉 😛 ) . **********previously forgot to mention – ( You get one more responsibility on your shoulder and that is to handle and empathize with junior newcomer kids of 6th std and telling them not to cry their heart out 😛 . Sometimes one’s sprinting skill comes in great use for catching few crying ,running babies when they try to escape with speed of light from the campus after those gloomy Sunday meetings , 😀 **## though I wasn’t the one of them 😛 )
  5. 10th standard :- Scariest year , board class, CBSE Board, waking up at 4.00 am , attending morning classes before PET classes , attending weekly tests, reading and reading,less playing hours ,you get lil less time, not enough to even wash heap and pile of your dirty clothes :'( ,reading ,solving question :'( , but the best part is , Your teachers suffer with you too , they have to follow the same schedule what you go through everyday , you might be having doubts with question , those people stays around to clear them up 24×7 🙂 🙂 🙂 “we swim and sink together” ,board exams done , so did your another one more year 😀 ,,,,,,
  6. 11th standard :- Once again the feeling of “ like a free bird “ comes back 😛 [( But not for the girls cause they were asked to not go outside of the campus like boys as per the school rules :'( >:( , but yet you won’t be called a true hosteler unless you break off the boundaries 😛 ) convincing your lady teacher so well so that they would allow you to come out along with them on the sacred name of so called morning jogging with people 😛 )] { ( You can call it typical “JUGAAD ” 😛 )} …… though you are not topmost senior yet you are just about to be…(board student are so busy with studies so meanwhile you can act on their behalf 😛 ) , thus somehow you ultimately ends up acting as 2nd topmost seniors
  7. 12 standard :- Last year of your school + board = sad :'( …. , the kid,who once used to babble about to quit school when was in 6th class , couldn’t realize how soon it’s 6 years passed like thin air :/ :/:/ . For the reasons one used to weep , now cant help itself but laugh ,didn’t know how and when did we grow up this soon , knowingly unknowingly made strong bonds with teachers, pals , and of course with creatures of school like dogs , monkeys , cows ,and many as if they are your own pet . May be cause we got so used to of seeing them year after year that we even baptized their pet names ,and secretly fostered them ( I remember back then there used to be a newly born pup in winter I secretly named it SPOTTY and used to donate those morning breakfast of hostel mess’s watery milk loaded with suger and no milk in reality of course to skip my share 😀 ) 😛 :'( …… Waiting eagerly for sundays , attending sports meet up trips , making new friends in other navodayas , living in narrowed facility conditions were all so gruesome,tedious, yet we explored our true self so well in those 7 years that now we at least can call ourself worthy enough and pivotal in our own way in this world , and this school helped immensely to make me and many others to realize this change and reality ^_^

By Ex – Student

One Quote Explains everything about Navodayan

Navodyan-Teachers-Enjoying Holi at Gujarat

” A Navodaya student might fail at studies… but he/she never fails in life”

Thanks to Beloved Readers.


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