Practical Exam Paper for CBSE Class 10 IT Subject 2024-25

Practical Exam Paper for CBSE Class 10 IT Subject 2024-25

In this article we providing information regarding latest Practical Exam Paper for CBSE Class 10 IT Subject 2024-25

Practical Exam Paper for CBSE Class 10 IT Subject 2024-25

We are providing Practical Paper with Solution.

General Instructions –

  • Question Paper is divided into Three Sections A, B, C
  • Section A – LibreOffice Writer    Section B – LibreOffice Calc    Section C – LibreOffice Basse

(Section – A)

How to Create Style? Write down Both Types and Steps.  (5 Marks)

(Section – B)

Write the steps to Create Scenario. (5 Marks)


 (Section – C)

Write the command for the following table Student. (10 Marks)


Que –

  1. Display all the records of table Student.
  2. Insert record of your choice
  3. Display record of student whose roll number is 3
  4. Display record of students who are in class ‘X
  5. Display the record of ‘Vedant’

=========ALL THE BEST==========

Practical Exam Answer for CBSE Class 10 IT (402) Subject 2024-25

(1) here are two ways to create a custom style

A. From Selection: Steps are given below

  1. Select the portion of document, such as page, paragraph, character, and change its appearance (do formatting as required).
  2. Choose the category (paragraph, character, page, etc.) from Style menu for which a new style is to be created.
  3. Select Style action button and then click on New Style from Selection.
  4. In Create Style dialog window, type the name of new style, say, ‘MyStyle’.
  5. Click OK to save the name of new style.

B. Using Drag and Drop: Steps to create a new Style using Drag and Drop method are given below.

  1. Select the text from the document and change its formatting as desired.
  2. Choose the desired style from Style Window under which, new style is to be created.
  3. Now drag the selected portion of text to the Style Menu.
  4. Create Style dialog window appears.
  5. Type name of new style and press OK button to save.

(2) Follow the following steps to3 create scenario.

  • Step 1 – Select the cells which contains values in the sheet that needs to be changed. To select multiple cells, hold Ctrl key and click on the cell to be selected.
  • Step 2 – Choose Menu from Tool – Scenarios will open scenario dialog window as shown below.
  • Step 3 – Enter a name for the new scenario and leave the other field unchanged.
  • Step 4 – Click on OK Button.
  • Step 5 – This will create a new scenario which is activated automatically.


  • 1. Select * from student;
  • 2. Insert into student values(6, ‘XI’, Trusha , 9898989898)
  • 3. Select * from student where RollNo = 3;
  • 4. Select * from student where class = ‘X’
  • 5. Select * from student where name = ‘Vedant’;

Thanks to Beloved Readers.


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